Faster than a speeding light rail!
More powerful than the chopping waves of the Hudson River! 
Able to leap the Statue of Liberty in a single bound!

It’s…the quest to be SUPER!

Many kids dream of being superheroes, or at least hope to be extraordinary or special in some way. Kids are encouraged to dream big, work hard, and try their best. This helps them to work towards achievement, however, sometimes kids can get stuck in expecting too much of themselves and others. It can be hard to not get it right the first time, to not be the winner every time, or to understand that we all make mistakes and can learn more from failure than immediate success. 

In Sometimes Super, children ages 6 to 8 years old will explore the ideas of self-acceptance, growing and changing over time, seeing both abilities and limitations in everyone, and how to create healthy balance for themselves. Through the stories of superheroes and the creation of their own superhero comic book, children will learn how to celebrate super moments, learn from epic fails, and value the ordinary, everyday “me.”

Program Description

Class 1: I Will Be Super!  Won’t I?
Even superheroes feel hesitant, timid, or even scared. How do we find the power of feeling powerful?

Class 2: Secret Identity: Super Self
A hero is both their powerful, crime-fighting persona AND their secret, everyday, regular nobody-special self. How can we see our entire self with acceptance and without judgment?

Class 3: The Power Within
Everyone stands out. What makes you especially you? Finding ways to celebrate our gifts as one part of a whole self.

Class 4: Super Feels
Super disappointed: the most powerful hero has bad days. How can we handle disappointment, frustration, and when “it’s just not fair!”?

Class 5: When Your Kryptonite Finds You
Facing failure. even heroes fall. No one likes to fail, but how can we learn our greatest lessons when we fall instead of flying?

Class 6: Heroes Assemble!
The coolest heroes are part of a league. How do we learn to be part of a team and that it’s OK  to not be the winner every time?

Class 7: From Villains to Frenemies to Friends, and Everything In Between 
What if you don’t start out as a hero? What if your best friend becomes a villain? How do we accept change, growth, and imperfection from the people around us? 

Class 8: Even Heroes Need A Vacation
We are all capable of super moments, but we can’t expect to be super all the time. How do we learn to say “enough is enough” to ourselves and others?

Sometimes Super’s start date is TBD!
Sign up for one of our other available classes below

Questions? Reach out to us at or (201) 565-0218