At the heart of helping your child is understanding that children express how they are feeling through their behavior. Solutions that only target problematic behaviors (i.e. not listening, breaking rules, tantrums, etc..) only provide temporary "quick fixes" that often lead to an endless cycle of new problematic behaviors.  At Footprint, we know that a child's social and emotional needs must be addressed to truly make a lasting difference in your child's life.  That is why we provide Social and Emotional Counseling/Therapy as an alternative to traditional behavioral approaches that focus solely on rewards and consequences.  

Social and Emotional Counseling/Therapy engages children in activities such as painting, drawing, therapeutic play, drama, movement activities and sand-play. These activities serve as an avenue to understand your child's emotional experience as they face the many challenges of childhood. Footprint's highly skilled and experienced counselors use these activities to teach and support your child (1) to better cope with difficult situations and feelings, (2) be more in control without having to resort to problematic behaviors, and (3) support your child's healthy social and emotional growth. And, most importantly, by addressing your child’s problematic behaviors and moods early on encourages and sets your child on a path of success and reduces the chances of worsening problems into the pre-adolescent, adolescent, and young adulthood years.

Contact us now to schedule a consultation with one of Footprint's licensed counselors/therapists.