Three Tips for Balancing Your Friends And Relationships

It can be tough making enough time for your friends and your significant other. And as we get older and our responsibilities increase, it often only gets more difficult to find the right balance. Between family, work, friends, and romantic relationships, it can be easy to let yourself become an afterthought.

Just about everyone has had trouble balancing their friends and their significant others at some point in their lives. Maybe it was in college when you had your first serious relationship and suddenly had to decide between going to a party with your friends or having a date night with your boo. Or maybe it was a little later on when you and your friends started getting married or having babies. No matter where you are in life, it can be hard to find a balance between your relationships.

It’s natural to want to “settle down” when we fall in love, and it can be tempting to spend all of your free time with your significant other when you feel so comfortable together. But it’s important to have a life outside of your relationship, too. So, how do we find that perfect balance between Netflix and cuddle nights at home and nights out with friends? Here are a few tips to help you juggle these two important parts of your life:

Identify Your Priorities

Before you can properly balance your friendships and your relationship, you need to be honest with yourself about where your priorities lie. Once you are clear on where your friendships and relationships lie on the hierarchy of your priorities, it will be a lot easier to choose how to spend your time or whose side to choose when there’s friction between the two parties. This can be easier said than done, so it’s helpful to talk it out with a non-judgemental third party like a therapist.


It won’t help the situation to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Chances are your friends or your significant other also struggle with keeping the balance. So, don’t be afraid to communicate. If you need some help getting started or are having trouble communicating, a therapist can give you some support.

Set Realistic Boundaries

The old saying is true: you can’t please them all. So, allow yourself to say no when you feel like you’re being stretched too thin. Therapy can be a great tool to help you with identifying your boundaries. Plus, it can help you if you have trouble setting and enforcing your boundaries with others. Nobody wants to hurt someone they are close to, but you need to be honest. A therapist may be able to help you strike that balance.

There’s no instruction manual or special formula for navigating life. And trying to keep the perfect balance can take a toll on your mental health, causing stress, anxiety, and depression. But with some guidance and support from experienced professionals, you can learn to restore and maintain balance in your life.

If you’re struggling to keep your various relationships in balance, we’re here to help! We provide a safe space to discuss your feelings, even if you just need to vent. We offer private, non-judgmental therapy sessions with licensed, experienced professionals. Learn more about how our therapists can help you at