Business Information:
Footprint New Jersey, LLC
121 Newark Ave #503, Jersey City, NJ 07302
(201) 677-2232
Psychotherapy - Call Our Therapists and Counselors Today!
Psychotherapy is a form of treatment that helps people solve problems in their mental health. The main idea behind psychotherapy is to identify and understand the underlying causes and motives behind behavior and thought patterns, and to use this information in order to change them into more positive behaviors. Common issues that come up during therapy include overcoming depression or anxiety, dealing with feelings of self-worth or lack thereof, improving relationships with family members or friends, regaining perspective when you feel lost, setting life goals for your future, handling stress better... the list goes on.
One big part of psychotherapy involves getting an understanding of what has led you to where you are today.
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According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), psychotherapy is extremely beneficial for those who regularly attend sessions. The benefits range from increased self-awareness and improved communication skills to higher levels of academic performance, confidence and general well-being.
Another benefit of therapy is that, as you make progress in your understanding and mental health, you can actually reach a point where you feel like your therapist becomes more like a guide than just someone who listens. They will know everything about you – your pasts, all your secrets – but they still help because they want what's best for their patients.
Points of Interest:
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